Accelerating Africa’s transition toward a Sustainable future through capital markets

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Are you looking for investment opportunities to invest in? SSA Infra is the perfect place to start your search. We offer a curated list of companies that are actively seeking investment or are open to being acquired. Easily filter out and search for opportunities that meet your investment criteria. Start your investment journey today on SSA Infra

SSA Infra - socially
responsible investing
with uncorrelated


Are you a startup looking for investors to take your business to the next level? Are you looking for an investor to inject some capital to help the company stabilize? Are you looking to find a buyer for your business?
SSA Infra connects you with a network of investors and advisors who are ready to support your growth and success.


So happy with the investment group in this platform. Great Team to manage all the processes.

Andrew Shanes CEO Marketing Theories

So happy with the investment group in this platform. Great Team to manage all the processes.

Andrew Shanes CEO Marketing Theories

So happy with the investment group in this platform. Great Team to manage all the processes.

Andrew Shanes CEO Marketing Theories

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