For Project Developers

Seeking Investors to finance your renewable energy project?

Perfect Match

Our match making technology gets your project in front of investors that fit your criteria.

The Right Data

We know what Investors are looking for and help you preparing documents.

Reduce Time-to-Finance

Reduce time with our standardized Due Diligence process.

Small to Mid-Size

Our platform is specialized on the financing process for small to mid-size projects.

Increase project bankability

Our team and software help you improve the bankability of your project(s)

Access Equity and Debt investors

Our international community of professional investors provides the capital you need to develop, construct, refinance and exit your assets.

No up-front cost ! Service fees are only payable upon successful transaction.

We charge a 3% fee on projects funded through the platform.

Digital platform for Solar Investments

Integrated, trusted financial model for effective negotiations

Our platform connects individuals just like you with financiers seeking to fund small to mid size renewable energy projects. Our proprietary match making technology accelerates the discovery process and gets your project in front of buyers that fit your criteria.

Integrated, trusted financial model for effective negotiations

Our platform connects individuals just like you with financiers seeking to fund small to mid size renewable energy projects. Our proprietary match making technology accelerates the discovery process and gets your project in front of buyers that fit your criteria.

Integrated, trusted financial model for effective negotiations

Our platform connects individuals just like you with financiers seeking to fund small to mid size renewable energy projects. Our proprietary match making technology accelerates the discovery process and gets your project in front of buyers that fit your criteria.

Talk with an expert

Got a question about our services, the best way to finance your infrastructure projects, or advice on your disinvestments. Get in touch and we would be glad to help.

Financing for renewable energy

Funding for Renewable Energy Projects – the Way to Go Further and Faster Together

Today’s global business landscape is changing. Driven by developing and emerging economies, the global electric power demand will only increase. Thus, if we want to change things for the better, we need to hit the reset button right now. According to the latest researches, there are encouraging signs. Though the share of fossil fuels (such as coal, gas, and oil) in power generation is still very high, global energy nowadays becomes more sustainable. And this tendency is indicated even in developing countries. But it’s not a secret that sustainable energy needs financing. That’s why we at Positive Energy Ltd. have launched this online platform. We are sure that our website is a great opportunity for small and middle businesses to find funding for their renewable energy projects.

Benefits of Funding Renewable Energy Projects

The key advantages of sustainable electric power are widely known. Among them are reduced air pollution and lower carbon emissions. But there are not only environmental but also socio-economic advantages of funding for renewable energy businesses. Financing of renewable energy projects provides:
  • job creation (nowadays more than 10 million people are employed in the sustainable power sector);
  • solar, biomass, hydro, wind, geothermal technologies produce much less air pollution than fossil fuels solutions;
  • renewable energy project financing can help to get electricity to remote areas;
  • off-grid solutions help decrease bills (according to the latest reports, electricity bill savings while using sustainable power solutions reach up to 30%).
Our company supports changemakers – individuals and businesses, who believe that progress is always possible. They develop renewable power projects for the greater good. And we are sure that financing for their projects and innovative ideas will help us build a more resilient world.

Where and How to Find Funding for Renewable Energy Businesses

Nowadays, we have an unprecedented opportunity to change the world for the better. To reach this goal, we need to develop renewable electric power solutions. There are lots of investors who are ready to finance sustainable energy projects. The only hitch is to find them. At Positive Energy Ltd. we have sold this problem. Representatives of small and middle businesses and professional individuals can register on our platform and find financing for their projects online. The process is free and safe. We ask you to provide us with personal data (such as citizenship, mailing address) and upload photos of your Passport (ID card) for individuals and Certificate of incorporation for businesses only to verify your identity. We also underline that there aren’t any up-front costs for using our platform. We take only a 3% fee on projects financed through the website. How does it work? The process of finding investors who are willing to finance your project is simple:
  • you must sign in as a developer (as part of our KYC process, you will need to provide your email, cell phone number, and your development or project company registration documents);
  • then you need to create and describe your renewable energy project and upload all supporting documents available in the virtual data room;
  • our team will help you build a state of the art financial model for your project and help you create a transaction that highlight the capital needs to finance your project and what you offer to investor(s);
  • when an investor is interested in funding your project, our platform will create a deal room automatically (there, you can discuss all the aspects of funding and exchange documents).
You will pay our fees only after the process of searching for an investor who wants to finance the renewable energy project is successful.

Our Online Platform – the Best Way to Find Financing for your Renewable Energy Projects

Our website is for those who lack renewable energy funding opportunities. It is the easiest and quickest way to find financing since we created a community of individuals and businesses operating in the sustainable power finance field. You do not need to search for investors, governmental, or commercial loan programs. Professional Investors who want to finance renewable energy projects will find developers and assets on their own. We make things smart, personal, and easy. You only need to register on the platform to take advantage of all its opportunities.

No up-front cost ! Service fees are only payable upon successful transaction.

We charge a 3% fee on projects funded through the platform.