

Stage 1

Developer, Funder and Escrow Agent agree to a set of conditions to be set out in what is called ‘the Escrow Agreement’. These protect all parties and offer payment security (guarantee of payment)

Stage 2

Funder’s money is held in an independent account by M&G Trustee Company Limited (MTCL). Both Funder and developer are protected.

Stage 3

As each pre-agreed condition is reached, MTCL receives the required drawdown notice. Once verified, the funds are released.

Stage 4

Once the final conditions of agreement are met then the balance of funds are released and the agreement is terminated. To find out more or enquire about our Escrow Agent services, contact us.


Limited access to project finance is a huge pain point for developers, with many also looking for diversity in their funding sources. By leveraging SSA Infra’s robust risk management practices, structuring and distribution capabilities to tap alternative liquidity pools, we can develop distinctive working capital propositions that drive sustainable economic growth across the SSA region.

Knowing there is a portfolio of projects in the pipeline makes the initial investment a smart one and allows local and regional companies to participate by forming consortia with larger international companies and investors.

This is particularly relevant in sub-Saharan Africa where the majority of projects coming to market are smaller in size.